Bessie the teddy bear yarn and pattern pack TeaCALTeddy_2.jpg

Bessie the teddy bear yarn and pattern pack

from $45.90
Basil the bunny rabbit yarn and pattern pack BasilTheBunny3.jpg
Sold Out

Basil the bunny rabbit yarn and pattern pack

from $29.80
Stan the ant yarn and pattern pack StanTheAnt4.jpg
Sold Out

Stan the ant yarn and pattern pack

from $69.90
Birger and Freja the mice yarn and pattern pack Pair5.jpg

Birger and Freja the mice yarn and pattern pack

from $37.80
The Nutcracker teddy bear yarn and pattern pack NutcrackerBear3.jpg

The Nutcracker teddy bear yarn and pattern pack

from $45.90
Bitsy the ballerina bear yarn and pattern pack BitsyPink_YarnPack1.jpg

Bitsy the ballerina bear yarn and pattern pack

from $29.80
Emma the love fairy yarn and pattern pack Emma12Square.jpg
Sold Out

Emma the love fairy yarn and pattern pack

from $61.90
Gracie the raccoon yarn and pattern pack Raccoon2.jpg

Gracie the raccoon yarn and pattern pack

from $37.80
Charlie the chipmunk yarn and pattern pack Chipmunk2.jpg

Charlie the chipmunk yarn and pattern pack

from $37.80
Honey the bunny yarn and pattern pack HoneyAqua_YarnPack2.jpg
Sold Out

Honey the bunny yarn and pattern pack

from $37.80
Quinn the quokka yarn and pattern pack QuinnTheQuokka8.jpg

Quinn the quokka yarn and pattern pack

from $29.80
Frederik the chick yarn and pattern pack FrederikTheChick6.jpg
Sold Out

Frederik the chick yarn and pattern pack

from $53.90
Barry the Bandicoot yarn and pattern pack Barry11.jpg

Barry the Bandicoot yarn and pattern pack

from $37.80
Fisherman Doodah yarn and pattern pack FishermanDoodah2.jpg
Sold Out

Fisherman Doodah yarn and pattern pack

from $77.90
Terri the pterodactyl yarn and pattern pack TerriThePterodactyl4.jpg
Sold Out

Terri the pterodactyl yarn and pattern pack

from $61.90
Duncan the duck yarn and pattern pack DuncanDuck4.jpg

Duncan the duck yarn and pattern pack

from $45.90
Posy the fairy yarn and pattern pack LittleAquaGirl_PosyTheFairy_3.jpg
Sold Out

Posy the fairy yarn and pattern pack

from $69.90
Pascal the teddy bear (dressed as a chick) yarn and pattern pack PascalTheEasterTeddy4.jpg

Pascal the teddy bear (dressed as a chick) yarn and pattern pack

from $29.80
Sumo the triceratops yarn and pattern pack Sumo_10.jpg
Sold Out

Sumo the triceratops yarn and pattern pack

from $37.80
Pip the doll yarn and pattern pack Pip14.jpg
Sold Out

Pip the doll yarn and pattern pack

from $45.90
Indiana the gaur yarn and pattern pack IndianaTheGaur2.jpg

Indiana the gaur yarn and pattern pack

from $45.90
Lola the bunny yarn and pattern pack Lola4.jpg
Sold Out

Lola the bunny yarn and pattern pack

from $29.30
Frankie the koala yarn and pattern pack FrankieYarnPack1.jpg

Frankie the koala yarn and pattern pack

from $53.30
Clara the swan yarn and pattern pack Swan4.jpg
Sold Out

Clara the swan yarn and pattern pack

from $61.30
Sweetie the sugar glider yarn and pattern pack SugarGlider15.jpg
Sold Out

Sweetie the sugar glider yarn and pattern pack

from $61.90
Fran the frog yarn and pattern pack Fran5.jpg
Sold Out

Fran the frog yarn and pattern pack

from $37.30
Antony the anteater yarn and pattern pack AnteaterInside3.jpg

Antony the anteater yarn and pattern pack

from $29.30
Boomer the kangaroo yarn and pattern pack Kangaroo1.jpg

Boomer the kangaroo yarn and pattern pack

from $29.30
Willy the whale and Nelly the narwhal yarn and pattern pack WillyNelly8.jpg

Willy the whale and Nelly the narwhal yarn and pattern pack

from $43.80
Millie-Rose the teddy yarn and pattern pack MilliePinkYarnPack2.jpg

Millie-Rose the teddy yarn and pattern pack

from $45.30
Tuffy the teddy yarn and pattern pack TuffyYarnPack1.jpg

Tuffy the teddy yarn and pattern pack

from $61.30